
Me in Scandinavia

does not really matter where i would be, there are so many places...well there only a few where I have been so...but long to be surrounded by nature. Being alone, but not alone....if anyone understands that. I mean walking on a sand path up to a beautiful lake....together with my thoughts....sitting there at watching how the wind plays with the water in front of me. But also being able to go back into the city ....where people are. listen to their languages...and realising I so want to learn those.

I usually feel like i should have been born in one of those countries or go and live there, but one friend pointed out that maybe I should not and keep it for holidays....you know then you can truly enjoy and relax. though i think that if you live near a city or in a city (im also such a city person, well not too big but there has to be bars and a venue with bands that play there...) you can escape into the country side right? or other nordic countries.

And somehow I do not know how to get these thoughts down in my journal. visual. just great lakes with my wooden cottage?

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