
wonder why

Do you guys ever wonder why you get those brilliant ideas in your head of an art work, painting or photo. And then when you are going to realize it...you find out you can't. It is like the art is telling you to quit because you can never ever create that what you have in mind. In that way it is never rewarding it is never enough. It does not satisfy me. Why. What is this? I really have it so many times in my head in know exactly what to do or what angle to take a photo thinking about the place I want to capture but when I get there....or making/creating something I get far from where I would like to be. It is kind of depressing, really.

It's like when you dream of this great guy you met and he is just great, friendly and handsome and like everything you look for in a guy. That dream will feel so real that when you wake up you feel happy and in love, soon to find out it all was just a very realistic dream. close to minutes where you realize it was just a dream and you would probably never ever meet that guy. At least I came to the point where I think I scare boys away. For some reason. But that sucks right?

Why can it be so brilliant in your head, why can you see it in front of you but your head does not seem to work with your hands.

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